Art House Toronto - 974 College St, Toronto
We're back for a special one-off reading! Since it's too cold for the park and I miss all of your words, we're going to get cozy in a new (to us) space, Art House! There will be beer, wine, cocktails, and snacks available!
This reading operates a bit differently than others. Given that a lot of writers aren't in structured writing environments, writing can be a bit tough. Without deadlines, there isn't necessarily a rush to get work on paper/Microsoft® Word Documents. This reading series is meant to be a deadline to write new poetry. There are no feature readers -- this is strictly an open mic reading. The one rule I have for this reading series is this: you have to read new writing. Anything read at this event must be new or recent and I can't have heard it before. Repeats of poems are not allowed.
We're running from ~7PM-10PM, getting started at a solid 7:30 and then casually taking a break in the middle to allow for people to leave early or join late.
If you want to read, you must sign up. It's better to message me ahead of time to reserve a slot for yourself, but you can also approach me at the event. Slots will be a maximum of FIVE minutes each.
All poetry and short fiction is welcome. If you aren't comfortable reading your own work (yet), and just want to get a feel for the event, you are more than welcome to sign up for a slot and read a piece of writing you enjoy and would like to share with others.