Hirut Cafe
Come and have dinner at this wonderful Ethiopian Cafe at 6:00: https://www.hirut.ca/
Then, enjoy equally scinitllating readings of poetry titles released by Mosaic Press in 2019.
7:10 - Opening remarks by Hirut Cafe proprietor Tibebe Woldemichael
7:15 - Greetings from First Nations activist O Puck
7:20 - Jeannine Marie Pitas reads from her debut manuscript, "Things Seen and Unseen"
7:50 - Fraser Sutherland reads from his latest work, "Bad Habits"
8:20 - John B. Lee reads from "Into a Land of Strangers".
There will be short breaks between each reader.
Admission is free. Please bring money to buy books, and support the establishment.
Evening Host: Pat Connors